Apparel production

by customer's pattern


  • Minimum order quantity per one model - 10 pcs

  • Minimum quantity of the product in one size - 5 pcs

  • Minimum quantity of the product in one color - 3 pcs

  • Deadlines - up to 10 days, in order of priority

  • Step-by-step payment:

    1. pattern design

    2. sample making (if necessary)

    3. batch manufacturing (50% advance payment)


  • specificate product

  • determination materials and vendors

  • pattern development

  • sample making, size approval

  • sewing stage

  • shipment


  • toll manufacturing (customer's materials)

  • manufacturing using auxable materials, available at the factory: fusing, threads, lining, buttons

  • material selection service

Garment details biblographu

Price on manufacturing

Prices are approximate, are indicated without taking into account the cost of materials and pattern development. To get more accurate prices, we recommend to contact us at the show room and discuss the product details.

Price on


Manufacturing is performed according to the patterns provided by the customer. Take into account that patterns:

  • WITHOUT all necessary directions

  • NOT having clear pairing

  • NOT in full

  • WITHOUT specifications and technological description

  • WITHOUT a technical drawing (in the absence of an example product)

are not patterns. If you have such "patterns", you have to bring them into proper condition, make a pairing check, and add all the supporting information.

If you have already complete patterns, we recommend checking their quality in advance. The main points that we often have to deal with are listed in the "REQUIREMENTS FOR DECALS" section. These requirements are set out in order to protect both yourself and the customer from additional time spent on studying, explaining, traveling and finalizing previously made so-called “patterns”. Properly executed documentation is the key to a quality product.


Previously, the company was engaged in production of exclusively uniforms for primary school children. Over 20 years of production, consumers began to identify the company as a brand of school clothes, and quality and style began to be identified with the name of the company. But on school clothes, the production capabilities of the Kyiv garment workshop do not end. The installed equipment and employees qualification allows to produce the adult clothing as well. At the same time, the quality of manufacturing remains a priority in order fulfillment.

Woman's suits

Woman's shirts & blouses

Children clohes


The equipment does not perform manufacturing on its own. Manufacturing is performed by people whose qualifications allow the produce high-level products.